Sunday, February 3, 2008

Firsts and Lasts (hopefully!)

These last few days have been full of a lot of firsts for me.

  1. For the first time in my life, I jumped off a balcony and landed in a fire-ant nest and got bitten all over my feet, ankles and hands. Now my feet are covered in yellow pustules that itch all the time.
  2. For the first time in my life, I sat in a little apartment with six professors and sang karaoke and drank cheap Caribbean beer until 1 in the morning.
  3. For the first time in my life, I celebrated Mardi Gras by wearing purple, orange and green beads and taking photos with a skeleton.
  4. For the first time in my life, I cooked a perfect chocolate cake that wasn’t burnt, sunken on one side or undercooked. And in my rice cooker, to boot. (Just kidding!)
  5. For the first time in my life, I was licked under my skirt by a dog during a church service. (But that was because the service was on the beach and I was in the middle of some intense worship and thought I was just feeling some supernatural expression of the Holy Spirit.)
  6. For the first time in my life I explored a haunted anatomy lab in the middle of the night with a classmate.
  7. For the first time in my life I have locked myself out of my room three times in one day with my key on the inside.
  8. For the first time in my life I am too sleep deprived to even think but so happy that I don’t even care.

Lots of love to you all, and thank you for your prayers.


Alpha Davies said...

um, wow.
glad to hear you're doing well!
were you really kidding about the chocolate cake? cuz if you weren't that would pretty much be the most amazing thing i've heard all day!
can't wait til you come home!

Anonymous said...

i think #2 was pretty funny

Anonymous said...

im with stoph on #2 except that #5 makes me laugh really hard because i was researching gold dust and feathers the other day to try to figure out what the deal is with some of the strange " Holy Spirit" phenomenon

William said...

2 sounds memorable

Austin Davies said...

I like #5 and #7 best... I'm laughing now.