Monday, October 1, 2007


I forgot to add..... here's a trivia for you: WITHOUT looking it up in the dictionary, internet or any kind of book, the first person to tell me what the plural of Mongoose is, I'll buy you coffee next time I'm in town. Remember, no looking it up. This is something you have to come up with out of your own gray cells. I can't for the life of me figure it out... Mongeese? Mongooses? Mongi? At any rate, there's a lot of them over here, they live under my house and apparently occasionally get in through the hole under the bathroom sink.


Anonymous said...

My guess is Mongoose.

Miriam said...

My guess is... mongeese.

Anonymous said...

Mongooses or mongeese , both are correct. At least your safe from snakes.

Anonymous said...

mongoose, just like the plural of moose moose.

Alpha Davies said...

um, i think mongoose would be a pretty logical choice.

Anonymous said...

I'm going for mongoose

William said...


Anonymous said...

I looked it up, since quite a few people have answered, and of course I thought I was going to be first and win! I'm wrong!!

Austin Davies said...

It's gotta be mongosey

ARN said...

How about Mongi haha